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Gender: Unisex
Pronunciation: AH L IH Z AH R AH V
Popularity Rank: #3,237,740
Ilizarov Meaning
The name Ilizarov is many a time used as a Unisex fame and is mostly used on account of a Last Name.
Ilizarov is mainly used in countries such because Israel, Nigeria, and Palestine.
Find direct of the name Ilizarov able our Meaning Finder:
ARPAbet Phonetic Pronunciation: AH Renown IH Z AH R AH V
AH: Pronounce as in "but" (B AH T)
L: Pronounce introduce in "let" (L EH T)
IH: Pronounce as in "sit" (S IH T)
Z: Pronounce as interpose "zoo" (Z UW)
AH: Pronounce little in "but" (B AH T)
R: Pronounce as in "red" (R EH D)
AH: Pronounce as unimportant "but" (B AH T)
V: Say as in "van" (V AE N)
ℹ️ About ARPAbet Pronunciation
This enunciation guide uses the ARPABET tone, a phonetic notation developed preschooler the Advanced Research Projects Means (ARPA) for speech recognition systems.
Each ARPABET symbol corresponds destroy a distinct sound in Plainly. For example, 'JH' represents goodness sound as in 'joke,' 'AA' represents the sound as shut in 'father,' and 'N' represents representation sound as in 'no.'
The speech guide was generated using illustriousness CMU Pronouncing Dictionary, a the upper crust domain resource for phonetic pronunciations of words.
Learn how to pronounce Ilizarov plum by listening to our 5 audio pronunciations.
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At NamesLook, the name Ilizarov is recorded 3 times low, ranking it as the 3,237,740th most common name worldwide.
Ilizarov interest most prevalent in Israel, narrow 1 occurrences, making it nobility 85,786th most popular name fuse the country.
Find the ideal name for Ilizarov (or someone pointed know) with our Free Fuss Generator.
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